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Monday, September 10, 2012

To Edith (Nanny)

When entering into a relationship, it is an unspoken understanding that you become part of their family.  About two months ago, I had the fortunate experience of meeting Edith, better known to my fiance' as Nanny.  When I met her she was sweet and wonderful and spoke to me as if she had always known me.  This past Thursday we got the unfortunate news that Nanny passed away.

I've spent the past 4 days with Renee's family while they reminisce about Nanny and all the special times they had and all the fun memories.  No, I may not have known her as well as they did.  I may not have spent the time with her like they did, but just in these few days, I felt like I have.  The strength and stability that she passed on through to her children and grandchildren shows in their speech and actions.  It all makes me wish I had met her a lot sooner.

In death we have the fortunate opportunity to celebrate the life of a person. We have the opportunity to dedicate days and hours to remembering and laughing and sometimes crying.  Tomorrow will be the most trying day as we all attend the memorial service for her.  I want the family to know that this time has made me understand how close they were and how special Nanny was for them.  My thoughts and prayers are with them all. But I hope they keep remembering the good times and the wonderful women she was like they have been these past few days.

Being a family is not about what we can do for each other, but what we can do with each other.  Its not about the fights but the laughter and the tears.  Families fight, love and laugh and as long as we can hold on to those things and always remember to call each other family, it will always be strong.

Nanny, I may not have known you they way everyone else does, but I know that you were loved and appreciated.

It reminds me of my family and all the good times we've had.  All the memories and laughs we've shared.  It makes me think about my Granny and how fortunate I am to have had her in my life.  I know she won't get online to read this, but she is always in my prayers and on my mind.

Renee, Momma Robin, Christy, Bobby and Robbie, you're all in my prayers.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Discussion Point

Discussion Time.

How important is education?  To further that point, is the value of education different based on an individuals socioeconomic standing?

Thursday, July 19, 2012

The End is near Daddy

Well, the end is near. If you haven't heard you can see it all over television; it's on the news, on the ticker at the bottom of our favorite television program and in commercials. The kids are talking about it, blogging about it, posting it on Facebook.  Every time you turn around you read about it in the newspaper or in the latest magazine.

Life as we know it this year is almost over because the end of summer is coming and the beginning of Football season starts.

As an avid (sometimes rabid) sports fan, I live my life not by the calendar seasons, but by the sports season. My year starts with Football season (Redskins and Seminoles). The next season is Basketball (Wizards and Terps), followed by Hockey and NASCAR (Capitals and #88) and ending my year with Baseball (Go Orioles. The Nationals still remind me of the Expos).

Now if you're a sports fan of any of these seasons you can feel my dedication just by looking at the teams I root for. No, I’m not a fair-weathered fan. I stick by my teams like family. Through thick and thin, for better or worse all that good stuff. So yes, my season is about to change and I can't wait for it to start.

The end is near! "Are you ready for some football!!!"

As a celebration to the beginning of "My Year"  I want to share something with you.  It does involve a little bit of bragging.  I have an amazing life, with a lot of great opportunities.  There isn't much I can really complain about.  One thing stands out for sure an that's the fact that I have an amazing woman who cares for me like no other.  Usually, on occasions like birthdays and Christmas, and the gifts I get are great.  This time she has really outdone herself.  How many guys can say, "My girl designed my man-cave and it's the best ever?" She actually built me a bar for my man cave.  Then took it upon herself to design it.  Here are the Pictures:

That's my SI wall.  Has the first sports illustrated featuring the Redskins from 1966.  Each one is framed and in mint condition from their original production (No Reprints)

View from the steps.  Yes the built that bar one 2x4 at a time.  Hand painted the lettering and everything.

These are my fish tanks. I've never been a furry animal person. We do have a dog and a cat, but those are more for her and the kids. I like my fish tanks. She designed them with Redskins backgrounds and Burgundy and Gold gravel.

 The Bar:

Accessories for the bar.  She Painted the side tables and the Fridge.