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Friday, March 14, 2014

I love him Daddy

Before I start, this let me clarify that I do believe in Love at first sight.  I believe that falling in love does not have a time limit.  I also believe that love does not have a growth limit.  Falling in love is an action of continual motion and growth and when it hits its limit, it is a fault of the carrier not love.

Love, the word that transcends cultures, generations and languages.  It's also the most used and misused word.  Everyone, "Wants to know what love is", or they would like to "Count the Ways".  But when we really think about it, how many of us can tell the difference between true love or infatuation. 

In most relationships we are too quick with the instant gratification of being in love that we mistakenly interpret infatuation with true love.  We are so engulfed in the idea of the person or relationship that we often times fail to get to know the actual person.  This leads to divorce, big break-ups and heartbreak the majority of the time. 
The society of dating now a days have tainted the way we view relationships.  Everything is about the instant gratification of finding the soul mate in a thirty day trial, or putting us in a box with who a dating site suggests for us to date.

Love cannot be "Matched" or correlated by checking boxes.  Most of the greatest loves are on accident.  Its when you're not looking and it punches you in the chest.  It's that accidental meeting in the grocery store, or the bumped into at the post office.  It happens so fast sometimes you look back and think, "How did you get here?" - Deborah Cox

There are many factors to consider when starting a relationship.  If we’re truly honest with ourselves, most will say it starts with looks.  The appearance of a person is what attracts us to them initially above all else.  From across the room you can’t see someone’s personality, or if you can it’s probably not a really positive thing.  What’s inside that person’s heart or mind is invisible to the eye and we must rely on repetitive conversation and interaction in order to unlock these clues.

When you're in love you know it.  You feel it, as it becomes part of your soul and part of your everyday and being.  You feel it in their words and in their sight.  Love is a living thing, and is most present without words.  Its in every Hello, Good morning and Good Night.  Its in every kiss and touch.  It warms your body and chills it at the same time.  It confuses your mind but makes everything clear.  It's everything and nothing.  You cant explain why but you know!

I've heard it a thousand times......I love him/her.  But do you really know them.  Do you really love them or the idea of them?

One of the missing links in current relationships is what gets us from the first impression to becoming completely engulfed with a person.   How well do you know the love of your life?

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